LTTA 1: France

Test and validation of the In-Service Training Programme

This short term training event is particularly important as it aims to:

  • Strengthen the EU dialogue on preparing young adults in care for personal and social autonomy,
  • Promote transnational participation in the debate on the importance of developing innovative solutions for the development of key skills for autonomy among young adults in care through game-based learning,
  • Provide participants with opportunities to learn about and interact with other cultures,
  • Provide opportunities for knowledge exchange with participants from other EU countries
  • promote active and experiential learning.

The LTTA will be hosted by CBE Sud Luberon in France. It will include 24 hours of workshop-based training. The partners will send 2 community educators, social workers and adult educators to participate in the training. The training event will be modular as follows:

  • Welcome to participants and ice-breaking activities, presentation of the Skills4Life project (aims, objectives, results, communication channels)
  • Skills4Life Serious Game implementation and assessment strategies
  • The Transition to Adulthood: concepts and processes
  • Key skills for social, personal and professional autonomy
  • technology and innovation in education