
Meeting Overview

Several online and face-to-face meetings are planned as part of the project.
The meetings ensure effective cooperation and the achievement of objectives and outcomes of the project.

Here you can find an overview of the meetings:

MeetingVenuePart of Work Package
Learning LabsAustria
Final ConferenceAustriaWP4
Final TPMAustriaWP4

Online Meetings

In this project, regular online meetings are scheduled to regularly exchange information about the project status. The project partners thus have the opportunity to clarify acute questions in order to ensure that the project runs smoothly.

Transnational Partner Meetings (TPM)

Transnational Partner Meeting 1 (TPM 1)

The first TPM took place from 16th to 18th of January 2023 in Germany at University Paderborn. This meeting was used to discuss administrative and financial management. Furthermore, the roles and tasks of each partner have been clarified. The quality assurance guidelines were discussed. Finally, the procedure in Work Packages 1 and 2 were decided.

Transnational Partner Meeting 2 (TPM 2)

The second TPM took place from 12th to 14th of June 2023 in Poland at the ACUMEN partners‘ premises and serves to coordinate the current project status. The partners got the opportunity to talk about their results so far and to clarify essential issues. The focus of the meeting was on the development and further progress of Work Package 2.

Transnational Partner Meeting 3 (TPM 3)

The third TPM took place from 26th to 28th of February 2024 in Ireland at the Spectrum partners‘ premises. This meeting was held to discuss Work Package 2 and focus on the preparation of the In-Service Training as well as the LTTA.

Learning Teaching Training Activity (LTTA)

The LTTA took place from 11th to 13th of June 2024 in France at the partners of CBE. Within the LTTA, the participants were introduced to the Skills4Life project, its objectives and project results. The main focus was on the Skills4Life Serious Game.