Work Package 2: Skills4Life Serious Game Design, Development and Validation

In Work Package 2 the main activity is to develop the Skills4Life Serious Game.

The Serious Game will contain four different topics:

  1. Personal and Social
  2. Autonomy and Daily Life
  3. Labour Market and Professional Skills
  4. Financial Literacy

Each topic will have eight levels organised in four categories (introductory, intermediate, advanced, expert). The level of difficulty will increase with every level. The levels can be played independently of each other, depending on the learner’s needs.

In this Work Package 2 the Skills4Life Online Platform will also be developed.

The Online Platform will be built in a constructivist approach to learning in order to stimulate learners´ creativity and motivation in a student-centred approach. There will be a clear framework for quality assurance for monitoring the development and implementation of the platform: quality of the online learning platform accessibility and navigation, quality of learning outcomes, quality of learning resources, quality of learner support, quality of learner assessment, quality of user privacy.

The Skills4Life Online Learning Platform will be freely available to everyone who wants to enrol and constist of two sections:

  1. Young Adults
  2. Social Workers and Non-formal Educators