Work Package 4: Skills4Life Community Engagement and Outreach

The main objective of Work Package 4 is the implementation of a set of activities to promote community engagement and outreach to promote the development of personal autonomy programmes for an effective transition of young adults in alternative care settings.

It includes the development of a policy paper that will provide operational and policy recommendations based on the analysis of the project results. It is aimed at policy makers in the fields of adult education and social inclusion. The policy paper will analyse the main findings and reflections collected in the seven countries of the project consortium and produce a map of recommendations based on the results and experiences obtained, both on a qualitative and quantitative level. It will also explain the potential of further education and training in educational technologies for adult educators, community educators and social workers in Europe. In addition, it will address the benefits of developing game-based learning strategies for reaching hard-to-reach young adults in residential care and/or young adults in alternative care.

This Work Package also includes the implementation of Skills4Life Learning Labs. These include the following:

  • To present and showcase the developed project outcomes (Skills4Life Serious Game, Online Platform, In-Service Training, Handbook)
  • To enable the engagement and interaction with the target groups and stakeholders with the resources developed
  • Promote the creation of new community dynamics and synergies and create new spaces for coexistence, social integration and multicultural coexistence.

Finally, the Work Package includes a Final Conference of the project. It will serve to present and introduce the final project results. The focus will be on the publication of the policy paper. The project consortium will explain the main findings from the seven countries to decision and policy makers.